Antes de empezar aclaro:
Before I start.....
-Las lineas en negro, son ESPAÑOL
-Black lines are SPANISH
-Las lineas en azul, son INGLES
-Blue lines are ENGLISH
Common Sense: No crees que se daran cuenta por si mismos?
Common Sense: Don't you think they will note it by themselves?
Paige: Si pero tengo ganas de escribir la aclaracion, so, la escribire! ^^
Paige: Yes, but I want to write the explanation, so, I'll write it! ^^
Bueno, despues de semanas sin escribir algo (culpen a internet, ha decidido ponerse en contra mia tras dejarlo de lado por mis estudios y posiblemente por olvidar cumpleaños...¬¬) he vuelto con mi segunda actua (que ilu!!! *-*) esta vez en español.
Well, after weeks of writing nothing (blame internet, has decided to get against me for replace him because of my studies and maybe for forget birthdays ¬¬) I'm back with my second entry (I'm so excited!! *-*) and in spanish, well just the black part xD
En lo que escribi la ultima vez hablaba sobre el perro que me mira extraño....(al que por alguna motivo sigo llamando "mi mascota"..he perdido la razon ._.) bueno, ahora no es solo el...son tambien sus hijos....ya han demostrado que son sus hijos y que oficialmente Lady Muffin es casta (ehmm...Mary y yo deberiamos aprender de ella xD, ella solo piensa en Rex, el es el...perro de su vida? ._. (xD) y nosotras...que se puede decir...solo pensamos en un mundo de chocolate y helado cubierto de bishies!!!!! o un mundo lleno de bishies cubiertos de helado y chocolate (*¬*).....u_u, definitivamente debemos aprender de Lady Muffin....) y yo oficialmente he demostrado que he perdido la cordura xD
The last time I wrote, I spoke about the dog that look at me like a weird thing....(for some reason I still calling him "my pet"...I'm nuts ._.) well, now is not just him....also are his kids...they've shown that they're Rex's sons and that officialy Lady Muffin is anchored (ehmm....Mary and I, should learn of her xD, she only thinks about Rex, he is...the dog of her life? ._. (xD) and we...what can I say....we only think about a world of chocolate and ice cream full of bishies!!! or a world full of bishies covered with chocolate and ice cream (*¬*)...u_u definitly we gotta learn from her) and I officialy, lost my mind
Como se siente una persona observada por perros.....
How thinks a person watched by dogs....
*Suena musica de Hai Majide (Juego de concurso japones que me mata de risa xD)*
*Sounds Hai Majide's music (a Japanese Game Show that makes me laugh a lot xD)*
Raconteur: Con su presentador Paige's Common Sense!!!!!!!!!!
Raconteur: With it's host Paige's Common Sense!!
*Desde su camerino*
*From his dressing room*
Common Sense: Que parte de "lo he cambiado a 'Peiji no Jōshiki'" es tan dificil de entender ¬¬
Common Sense: Wich part of "I've changed it to 'Peiji no Jōshiki'" haven't you understood? ¬¬
Production Team: vale, vale, no vuelve a pasar, ahora sal y deslumbranos!
Production Team: Ok, Ok, won't happen again, now go there and show us how is the stuff!
*Entra Peiji no Jōshiki (Common Sense (¬¬ ejm!)) saludando y sonriendo al publico, se tropieza pero se levanta antes de un momento embarazoso, camina hacia el escenario y se sienta en un sillon blanco*
*Peiji no Jōshiki enters (Common Sense (¬¬ ejm!)) greeting and smiling to the people, he falls and stumbles but rises before a embarrassing moment, walks to the stage and sit in a white dais*
Common Sense: Buenos dias! ^^
Common Sense: Good Morning! ^^
People: Ohayōgozaimasu, Jōshiki - dono! ^^............ We love you! ♥3♥
(Ehmm....the same thing that they say in "spanish")
Common Sense: (Porque "dono" y no "sama" o "denka" ¬¬) Hoy tenemos a una invitada especial...ha vivido toda su vida en paises-isla, sus compañeros son una desgracia..
Common Sense: (Why "dono" and not "sama" or "denka" ¬¬) Today we have a special guest..she's lived all her life in island-countries, her roomies are a mishap..
Roomies: *miradas asesinas* Como te atreves!
Roomies: *Cutthroat gazes* How dare you!
Common Sense:...y la razon por la que esta aqui, sus miran Paige, dadle un gran aplauso ^^
Common Sense: And the reason of why she's here, her dogs...looks at her like a weird thing...Is Paige, give her a big applause
*Entra Paige algo timida y saluda*
*Paige enters a little shy and say hi*
People: *aplaude* Peiji-chan!!!! *Persona al fondo* Quiero tu vida!!!!! T^T
People: *applause* Peiji-chan!!!!! *somebody in the back* I want your life!!!!! T^T
Common Sense: Bienvenida Paige, no es tan bueno como quisiera, pero es bueno tenerte aqui
Common Sense: Welcome Paige, isn't so good as I would like, but is good to have you here
Paige: Gracias....supongo... :S
Paige: Thanks.....I guess so :S
Common Sense: Tengo entendido que el problema es que tus perros *mira una lista* Rex, Airi y Hizashi, te miran extraño
Common Sense: You're here because your dogs *looks a list* Rex, Airi and Hizashi, looks at you like a weird thing, right?
Paige: Si...
Paige: Yes...
Common Sense: (Que tia mas extraña...)
Common Sense: (What a weird girl...)
Paige: Al principio era solo Rex, cuando eso comenzo era tierno *---*, despues molesto y luego incomodo... termine por acostumbrarme ¬¬..pero ahora tiene hijos, Airi y Hizashi, y uhm...ellos tambien me miran extraño ¬¬, paso lo mismo, comenzo siendo tierno, pero luego se volvio perturbador, Rex por si solo ya me causaba un trauma, pero ahora su descendencia tambien!, es horrible, yo me siento en el ordenador y ellos llegan! se sientan a mirarme, solo se quedan ahi, no ladran, no se mueven, no despegan su vista de mi...esas pequeñas presencias.... *escalofrio* son como espiritus que esperan para llevarme....
Paige: First was just Rex, when it started was cute *--*, then noisy and then awkward...finally I get used ¬¬, but that now he's father, same old happen, started cute, but it became disturbing, Rex by himself was already traumatic to me, now his offspring is part of that! is awful, I just sit in the PC and they get ther! they just stare there looking at me, don't howl, don't move, don't stop looking at me...those little presences...*chill* they're like spirits that are waiting to take my soul...
Common Sense: (Sin duda esta loca u_u, eso le pasa por no escucharme jojojo)
Common Sense: (Definitly seh's crazy u_u, that's what she gets for not listen at me jojojojo!)
Paige: Y ese es mi problema....^^
Paige: And that's my problem ^^
Common Sense: Ese si que es un problema u_u, y, Has intentado algo para evitarlo?
Common Sense: That's a problem u_u, and, have you done something to eschew it?
Paige: Intente evitarlo con Rex...para algo le consegui una novia ¬¬
Paige: I tried to with Rex....that's why I found a girlfriend for him ¬¬
Common Sense: So....vives perturbada, y tus "amigos" no hacen nada para evitarlo
Common Sense: live disturbed, and your "friends" do nothing to eschew it
Paige: Si ^^, pero yo no hable de ellos .-.
Paige: Yes ^^, but...I haven't talked about them .-.
Roomies: Eso te va a doler Common Sense!
Roomies: That's gonna hurt you Common Sense!
Common Sense: *ignora a los compañeros* Y no te molesta...
Common Sense: *ignores the roomies* And it doesn't bother you...
Paige: Ya he dicho que si me molesta....que no prestaste atencion a lo que he dicho? ¬¬''
Paige: I've already said it does....don't you listened at me? ¬¬''
Common Sense: Solo queria asegurarme, aunque debo decir que tengo razones para no prestar atencion a lo que dices, tu no prestas atencion a lo que digo, no hay nada que me obligue a escuchar tus locuras "Mrs. Bishie-land"
Common Sense: I just wanted to make sure, even when I have to say, I have reasons to not listen at what you say, you don't listen at me, there's nothing that makes me listen at your ravings "Mrs. Bishe-land"
Paige: Muy bien, muy bien...
Paige: Ok, Ok...
Common Sense: Ahora que por fin he logrado que me escuche....terminaremos este dialogo (a los que al parecer ella es adicta pero no lo sigue a falta de palabras je je je) espero se hayan reido de ella, y disfrutado de su trauma mental ^^
Common Sense: Now that finally I've made her listen at me....we'll end this dialogue (seems like she's addict to this but she doesn't keep writing because she has no more words je je je) I hope you've laugh enough of her and you've enjoy her mental trauma ^^
People: Te queremos Jōshiki - dono!
People: We love you Jōshiki-dono!!!!
Common Sense: (Por que "Dono"!!!!! ¬¬) Ya nos veremos, cuando ella quiera hacer mas dialogos!
Common Sense: (Why not "Dono"!!! ¬¬) We'll see again some day, when she wants to do more dialogues!
*Se levanta del sillon y se va del escenario seguido por Paige y los compañeros de ella listos para golpearle*
*Stands up from the dais and leave the stage followed by Paige and her roomies ready to kick him*
Como veran soy adicta a hacer dialogos, es divertido xD, todos mis cuadernos de apuntes estan llenos de estos, los primeros que hice son de las cenas familiares que mis padres solian hacer cuando viviamos en Manchester, cada fin de semana toda mi familia se reunia, claro antes de mudarse a Australia y empezar a enviar cartas de "estamos solos", "consideren mudarse" "la familia debe estar reunida" y blah, blah, blah!, al fin nos hicieron mudar, pero whatev! eso es algo diferente xD. Common Sense, como su nombre lo indica, mi sentido obvio ._. xD y las personas, ehm......publico imaginario! :3
As you can see I'm dialogu-addict, is so fun xD, all my personal notebooks are full of it, the first I've made are about the familiar dinner-meetings that my parents used to do in Manchester, every weekend my family came to home, off course, before they moved out to Australia and began to send letters of "we're alone", "think about move out", "family must be together" and blah, blah, blah, in the end we moved out, but anyway, that's another story xD. Common Sense, as his/her name says, is my Common Sense..obviously .-. xD, and the people.....imaginary public! :3
Creo que eso es todo, mejor me detengo aqui, se supone que escribiria tambien en ingles....y bueno, debo, no?
I guess thats all! ^^
("jagbyeol" Good Bye en coreano ^^)
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2 Comments! xD:
por fin has activado los comentarios ^^ (que ya era hora ¬¬``, menos mal que Luna te lo dijo XD)
Me preocupa que te preocupe (?) la presencia de tus será que se encargan de tu bienestar?¿?
estan a tu lado cuando tu navegas por internet y posteas con nosotras...un momento....*se ha encendido una bombilla en la cabeza de xisca, peligro!* ¿¿no será que se preocupan porque posteas con nosotras???? porque nos cosideran un peligro para ti??? porque saben que estamos locas.....*xisca delirando* @.@
Mejor no me hagas caso ^^... ultimamente tengo estas reacciones ^^'' (será la edad?¿?¿ XDD)
Me alegro de que por fin hayas escrito en español, asi puedo saber que pones XD, aunque considero que es mucho trabajo para ti, asi que..MUCHAS GRACIAS BOMBON!!!!!!!!
Espero que sigas con tus dialogos que me gustan mucho ^^, pero me queda una duda: que significado tiene "dono"?¿? porque tu sentido comun se enfada cuando te llaman asi??
Eso es todo ^^, me temo que me he emocionado con este comentario ^^''''''''''''
que bien que has activado los comentarios..
que me moria por poner que pensaba de cada entrada, pero no podia ._..
well.... i understand the english, but... i´m so bad in this language -.-
[por lo que si ves algun error... bueno... ._.. dimelo, pero no te desesperes conmigo xD]
en fin, me encanta como cuentas las cosas cotidianas de tu vida *-*
[y de la de Rex]
es tan genial *-*
gracias Paige *-*
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